AT2OA: Ausbau von Open Access an den österreichischen Universitäten: Budgetärer Mehrbedarf für die Jahre 2019–2021

Fessler, Georg, & Hölbling, Lothar. (2019, March 28). Ausbau von Open Access an den österreichischen Universitäten: Budgetärer Mehrbedarf für die Jahre 2019–2021. Zenodo. Abschlussbericht der Transition-Studie des Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel-Projekts Austrian Transition to Open Access (HRSM-AT2OA) Im Rahmen des vom österreichischen … Weiterlesen

TU Wien Bibliothek tritt COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) bei

Die TU Wien Bibliothek freut sich bekannt zu geben, seit Ende 2018 Mitglied der Confederation of Open Access Repositories (kurz: COAR) zu sein. COAR ist eine weltweite Vereinigung mit dem Ziel, die Sichtbarkeit von Forschungsoutput durch ein globales Netzwerk von … Weiterlesen

Academic Publishing and its Digital Binds: Beyond the Paywall towards Ethical Executions of Code. #openaccess

Teresa Swist, Liam Magee (2017). Academic Publishing and its Digital Binds: Beyond the Paywall towards Ethical Executions of Code. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research 9(3), 240-259. In this article we explore various constraints and potentials of academic … Weiterlesen

Library publisher resources: Making publishing approachable, sustainable, and values-driven. #openaccess

Hoops, J., & Hare, S. (2019). Library publisher resources: Making publishing approachable, sustainable, and values-driven. College & Research Libraries News, 80(2), 74. The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) defines library publishing as the “creation, dissemination, and curation of scholarly, creative, … Weiterlesen

Smash the Paywalls: Workflows und Werkzeuge für den grünen Weg des Open Access. #openaccess #GreenOA

Alessandro Blasetti, Sandra Golda, Dominic Göhring, Steffi Grimm, Nadin Kroll, Denise Sievers, Michaela Voigt (2019). Smash the Paywalls: Workflows und Werkzeuge für den grünen Weg des Open Access. Informationspraxis 5(1). Der Beitrag diskutiert Bedeutung, praktisches Potenzial und konkrete Herausforderungen … Weiterlesen

Open access books attract many more readers and slightly more citations

Academics who offer their books free online reach many more readers and are cited slightly more often. Surprisingly enough, it has little effect on the sale of paper editions, positive or negative. This is the conclusion of PhD candidate Ronald … Weiterlesen

Foundations for Open Scholarship Strategy Development #openaccess #openscience #openscholarship #scholcomm

Jonathan Tennant et al. (2019): Foundations for Open Scholarship Strategy Development, Version 2.1. Please note that a version of this strategy is also available in Spanish, Indonesian and German as well as in a range of formats, including: R … Weiterlesen

Leveraging Concepts in Open Access Publications #openaccess #scholcomm

Andrea Bertino, Luca Foppiano, Laurent Romary, Pierre Mounier (2019): Leveraging Concepts in Open Access Publications. This paper addresses the integration of a Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation (NERD) service within a group of open access (OA) publishing digital platforms and … Weiterlesen

From Coalition to Commons: Plan S and the Future of Scholarly Communication #openaccess #Plan_S #scholcomm

Rob Johnson (2019). “From Coalition to Commons: Plan S and the Future of Scholarly Communication”. Insights 32 (1): 5. The announcement of Plan S in September 2018 triggered a wide-ranging debate over how best to accelerate the shift to … Weiterlesen