Melden sie Inkunabelkäufe an den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke

Falk Eisermann appelliert an die Zunft, Inkunabelkäufe an den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke zu melden:

All institutions, libraries, museums, archives, that acquire (or find, or inherit) incunabula copies are very kindly asked to report these acquisitions to both the GW and to the ISTC. Many colleagues in the US and elsewhere are already doing it, and we are very grateful for that; alas, many others don’t. An e-mail saying “We just bought a copy of GW 6992” is completely sufficient! It may enormously increase the visibility of your holdings, whereas newly acquired copies listed in an OPAC – and only in an OPAC – will more often than not remain hidden from the scholarly community at large.

Quelle: incunabula-Liste

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