Europeana Newspaper Survey

The Europeana Newspapers ( project is undertaking a survey of available digitised newspapers in Europe, aimed at institutions that are not currently part of the project. The survey has three purposes:

1) To get a clear idea of the extent of newspaper digitisation within Europe
2) To record the relevant metadata in the Berlin State Library’s Catalogue of Serials ( and as part of the central index of newspapers being created by The European Library (
3) To help locate 10 additional partners to join the project

We would very much like to hear from institutions with newspaper collections in Europe. The survey consists of 13 short questions and should hopefully be straightforward to complete.

We would appreciate responses to the survey by July 31st. We will then follow this up with discussions about importing the relevant metadata so we can expose via the channels mentioned in point 2 above.

Many thanks !
Alastair Dunning and the Europeana Newspapers team

Umfrage bis 31. Juli 2012:


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