Das teuerste Buch der Welt um 9,99 Pfund: „The Birds of America“

Book cover for The Birds of America eBookDas teuerste Buch der Welt John James Audubons „The Birds of America“ wurde vom Londoner  Natural History Museum digitalisiert und für den iPad als E-Book aufbereitet.

The Birds of America is one of the mostvaluable natural history books ever published.

The huge 1-metre-tall book beautifully illustrates American birds in their natural habitats through 435 hand-painted plates.

To make the new eBook, each plate had to be separated and digitally photographed. The whole process took 3 months and the eBook is now available for the iPad on iTunes.

eBook Treasures

Developed with Armadillo Systems, it forms part of the eBook Treasures collection, created in partnership with the British Library and other museums across the UK.

Exceptional artwork

It took John Audubon over 30 years to fully complete The Birds of America. The illustrations are of the highest artistic qualityand were exceptional in that they portrayed the birds life-size, in natural positions and in their native habitats.

A world record at auction

The Birds of America is one of the best known and most valuable natural history books ever published. A complete set sold at auction in December 2010 for £7.3 million, which is the world record for a book.

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