Lo, L. S. (2021). The Factors Significant to the Introduction of Institutional Open Access Policies: Two Case Studies of R-1 Universities. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 9(1), eP2400. https://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2400 INTRODUCTION US universities are increasingly unable to afford research journal … Weiterlesen
Kategorie: Open Science
Kakai (2021). An analysis of the factors affecting open access to research output in institutional repositories in selected universities in East Africa
Kakai, M. (2021). An analysis of the factors affecting open access to research output in institutional repositories in selected universities in East Africa. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 9(1), eP2276. https://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2276 INTRODUCTION Institutional repositories (IRs) present universities with an … Weiterlesen
Smits & Pells (2022). Plan S for Shock: Science. Shock. Solution. Speed.
Smits, R. & Pells, R. (2022). Plan S for Shock: Science. Shock. Solution. Speed. London: Ubiquity Press. https://doi.org/10.5334/bcq Plan S for shock: the open access initiative that changed the face of global research. This is the story of open access … Weiterlesen
Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) startet „Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services“
„The Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs) is a step towards addressing the information asymmetries that exist in understanding and assessing open infrastructure projects. This effort is designed to model a means of standardizing information about core open infrastructure services … Weiterlesen
Gould and Praetzellis (2021). Open Persistent Identifiers: The Building Blocks of Sustainable Scholarly Infrastructure
Maria Gould and Maria Praetzellis (2021). Open Persistent Identifiers: The Building Blocks of Sustainable Scholarly Infrastructure. Research Library Issues 302, 5–18. https://doi.org/10.29242/rli.302.2 „In May 2021, Microsoft circulated an announcement that it would be shutting down its Microsoft Academic Services (MAS) … Weiterlesen
Verbeke and Mesotten (2022). Library Funding for Open Access at KU Leuven
Verbeke, Demmy, and Laura Mesotten (2022). Library Funding for Open Access at KU Leuven. Insights 35: 1. http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.565 As main buyers of scholarly literature, research libraries have always provided essential economic support for sustaining the market of academic publishing. With … Weiterlesen
Stellenausschreibung Uni Wien: Data Steward
Die Universität Wien plant mit einem neuen Data Stewardship Programm, die bestehenden Services im Bereich Forschungsdatenmanagement den disziplinspezifischen Bedürfnissen entsprechend auszubauen. Die Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät sucht daher eine hochmotivierte Person (m/w/d) mit fachlicher Erfahrung in den Bereichen philologischer oder kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung … Weiterlesen
Prepint-Pionier Ginsparg im Standard-Interview
Die Tageszeitung DerStandard interviewte den Gründer von arXiv.org, Paul Ginsparg: Preprint-Pionier Ginsparg: „Es ist obszön, was große Verlage verdienen“ Forschungsergebnisse rasch und kostenlos zugänglich zu machen ist das Ziel des Physikers Paul Ginsparg. Vor 30 Jahren gründete er den Preprint-Server … Weiterlesen
Blumesberger et al. (2021). The Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation / The EOSC Support Office Austria
Blumesberger, S., Brandt, F., Budroni, P., De Mello Castro Giroletti, J., Ferus, A., Flicker, K., Ganguly, R., Guba, B., Hanslik, S., Hasani-Mavriqi, I., Hönegger, L., Kalová, T., Kranewitter, M., Logar, B., Panigl, C., Rainer, H., Rauber, A., Sanchéz Solís, B., … Weiterlesen
Budroni & Hönegger (2021). Reflections on the regional approach for Open Science in Europe – EOSC-Pillar and the other “5b projects”
Budroni, P., & Hönegger, L. (2021). Reflections on the regional approach for Open Science in Europe – EOSC-Pillar and the other “5b projects”. Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 74(2). https://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v74i2.6282 The H2020 project “EOSC Pillar” and its three … Weiterlesen