Aligning Social Media Indicators with the Documents in an Open Access Repository #OpenAccess #Repositories #SocialMedia

Meneses, L., Arbuckle, A., Lopez, H., Moa, B., Furuta, R., & Siemens, R. (2019). Aligning Social Media Indicators with the Documents in an Open Access Repository. KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies, 3(1), 19. In this paper we … Weiterlesen

Revisiting ‘the 1990s debutante’: scholar-led publishing and the pre-history of the open access movement #OpenAccess

Samuel Moore (2019). Revisiting ‘the 1990s debutante’: scholar-led publishing and the pre-history of the open access movement. [Preprint], Humanities Commons. The movement for open access publishing is often said to have its roots in the scientific disciplines, having been … Weiterlesen

Mapping the Scholarly Literature Found in Scopus on “Research Data Management”: A Bibliometric and Data Visualization Approach #OpenAccess

Zhang, L. and Eichmann-Kalwara, N., 2019. Mapping the Scholarly Literature Found in Scopus on “Research Data Management”: A Bibliometric and Data Visualization Approach. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 7(1). INTRODUCTION Since the 2000s, interest in research data management … Weiterlesen

Whose Research is it Anyway? Academic Social Networks Versus Institutional Repositories #OpenAccess

Eva, N.C. and Wiebe, T.A., 2019. Whose Research is it Anyway? Academic Social Networks Versus Institutional Repositories. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 7(1). INTRODUCTION Looking for ways to increase deposits into their institutional repository (IR), researchers at one … Weiterlesen

Balancing Multiple Roles of Repositories: Developing a Comprehensive Repository at Carnegie Mellon University #repositories #OpenAccess

Scherer, D.; Valen, D. (2019). Balancing Multiple Roles of Repositories: Developing a Comprehensive Repository at Carnegie Mellon University. Publications 7, 30. Many academic and research institutions today maintain multiple types of institutional repositories operating on different systems and platforms … Weiterlesen

LIBER-Survey: Spotlight on Open Access Monographs. Collecting Stories from LIBER Libraries #OpenAccess #books #monographs #libraries

The transition to Open Access (OA) has accelerated in recent months thanks to international initiatives such as Plan S. Many of the initiatives are, however, focused on journal articles as the dominant format for disseminating research and, in particular, the … Weiterlesen

Swiss consortium pledges 216,000 Euro to DOAJ and SHERPA/RoMEO #OpenAccess #OpenScience #infrastructure #funding

[The] Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries, comprising sixteen libraries and the Swiss National Science Foundation, is the third national consortium to commit to the SCOSS initiative. swissuniversities, the Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Higher Education Institutions, contributes approximately 50% of the … Weiterlesen

Rebels with a Cause? Supporting Library and Academic-led Open Access Publishing. #OpenAccess #libraries

Jeroen Sondervan, Joe Deville, Graham Stone, & Sofie Wennström. (2019, April 18). Rebels with a Cause? Supporting Library and Academic-led Open Access Publishing. Zenodo. The authors, who all have experience with academic publishing, outline the landscape of new university … Weiterlesen

Open Access aus der Sicht von Verlagen. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Wissenschaftsverlagen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz #openaccess

Christian Kaier, Karin Lackner (2019): Open Access aus der Sicht von Verlagen. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Wissenschaftsverlagen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 43(1), 194–205. Fördergeber, Universitäten und Bibliotheken drängen seit Jahren auf einen freien … Weiterlesen

OAI11 – The CERN-UNIGE Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (Geneva – June 19-21, 2019)

The 11th meeting of the OAI community for developments in Scholarly Communication is taking place at the University of Geneva, 19-21 June 2019. The theme of the 2019 Workshop is: Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver … Weiterlesen