Die British Library hat gerde ihre Vision für 2020 veröffentlicht, in der sie versucht, Trends und Themenbereiche der nächsten 10 Jahre vorherzusagen:
- Guarantee access for future generations
- Enable access to everyone who wants to do research
- Support research communities in key areas for social and economic benefit
- Enrich the cultural life of the nation
- Lead and collaborate in growing the world’s knowledge base
The experts consulted by the Library provided a range of views on what the world of 2020 would look like. These predictions included:
- Technology will be in a constant state of beta – rapidly changing and, by 2020, resulting in a very different environment from today;
- The new generation of ‘digital natives’ will enjoy wider access than ever to a huge range of online content in all formats; they will assume that ‘everything’ is available on the web – an incorrect assumption, as even by 2020 a huge amount of legacy content will remain undigitised;
- The online landscape will increasingly resemble the ‘semantic web’ – in which computers become capable of extracting, classifying and analysing data to create context from content;
- The business models underpinning scholarly publishing will change dramatically – more teaching, learning and research will take place virtually and multi- and inter-disciplinary research will continue to grow in importance;
- Knowledge institutions will need to reposition themselves, demonstrating the distinct value they add to the knowledge economy.
Vision 2020 in PDF
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