Interview mit Grimmelmann auf Capital beta: Does Google Books Settlement Set Stage Congressional Intervention (4.4.2011)
Last month, in a decision by Denny Chin, a New York federal district court threw out a settlement negotiated between Google and representatives of book authors and publishers, who had sued to stop Google from scanning and indexing published books to return as search results. New York Law School professor James Grimmelmann’s been following the case closely, maintaininga comprehensive website tracking the litigation, writing extensively about it, and hosting a symposium about it. We talked to him about the future of the Google Books litigation, the possible role of Congress in the ongoing relationship between Google and book publishers and authors, and the notion of the Great American Digital Library. …
Ganzes Interview:
Interview mit Grimmelmann auf Bloomberg Law (30.3.2011):
Grimmelmann on Google’s Rejected Digital Library Settlement: BLAW
March 30 (Bloomberg) — James Grimmelmann, associate professor at New York Law School, talks with Bloomberg Law’s Lee Pacchia about the legal and political implications of U.S. Circuit Judge Denny Chin’s decision to reject Google Inc.’s proposed settlement with publishers and authors in a bid to create the world’s largest digital library.