Pioneering Internet Archivists Brewster Kahle and Rick Prelinger on Preservation in the Digital Age

Pioneering Internet Archivists Brewster Kahle and Rick Prelinger on Preservation in the Digital Age from Democracy Now! on Vimeo.

Internet archivists Brewster Kahle and Rick Prelinger discuss their efforts to build both a physical and digital library of every book ever published on Democracy Now! August 24. “The idea is to build a library of Alexandria, version two,” says Kahle. “It costs us about 10 cents a page or about $30 a book to photograph and then make it accessible and searchable for anyone.” The archivists also discuss their home movie project. “Home movies are astonishing. They’re personal not corporate expression,” says Prelinger. “They’re individuals witnessing history, not simply great events but also history everyday life.” The movies are being contributed by families and rescued from estate sales, among other sources.

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