Termin: 23. Mai 2014 (09:00 – 16:30 Uhr)
Ort: Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin, Breite Straße 35, 10178 Berlin, Berlin-Saal, 2. OG
Veranstalter: Initiative Fortbildung für wissenschaftliche Spezialbibliotheken und verwandte Einrichtungen e.V.
! Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Checkpoint Charlie Stiftung, Berlin
Der John Jacob Astor Award in Library and Information Science wird 2014 zum zwölften Mal durch die Checkpoint Charlie Stiftung in Berlin vergeben. Die „Initiative Fortbildung … e.V.“ – sie ist hier Kooperationspartnerin – freut sich außerordentlich, in diesem Zusammenhang zu einem Fortbildungsangebot mit Maureen Sullivan*, Immediate Past President der American Library Association (ALA) einladen zu können – sie ist unsere diesjährige Preisträgerin!
Die Veranstaltung findet in amerikanischer Sprache statt, entsprechend erfolgt ihre Ankündigung:
Today’s information specialists face many challenges as the world continues to change and as libraries confront new expectations from many sources. Today’s information specialist is expected to be effective in the larger community and to be adept within the organization. To cope with this situation, they have to discover, develop and promote the leader within themselves. This is as important for the “solo” professional as it is for the information professional in a larger organization. There are two general types of leaders today: those who lead because they hold positions in which this is expected and those who lead because they take opportunities to do so. Maureen Sullivan will engage participants in this program in a careful exploration of how to turn challenges into opportunities. Among the topics to be addressed are: how to adopt a positive attitude of curiosity and possibility about the future; principles and practices of adaptive leadership; effective ways to engage and inspire others; how to become a resonant leader; and practical steps to sustain your effectiveness. Participants will leave with a renewed sense of their capacity to be effective and with a set of practical steps they can take to be more effective in their organizations.
Working Agenda
What are the key challenges today?
Where are the opportunities?
- As we reflect on the challenges, what opportunities can we identify?
- Given these opportunities, what are some of our aspirations for the future?
Why information specialists need to have an attitude of possibility and positivity?
- What the research tells us about the effect of the leader’s beliefs and attitudes on performance
- What motivates people at work? What are the key factors in performance?
- What motivates me? What are my passions?
Introduction to Two Practical, Useful Models of Leadership: Adaptive Leadership and Resonant Leadership
- Key principles and practices of each approach
- What practical applications does each offer?
Engaging and Inspiring Others to Contribute Their Best
- Gaining and sustaining commitment
- Influencing and inspiring others to contribute their best
Becoming a More Effective Leader and Professional
- Developing a personal plan
- Building on strengths
- Steps to sustaining effectiveness
Mit Raum für Pausen/Networking!
*Maureen Sullivan is a widely recognized leader and educator in the library profession. She is the immediate past president of the American Library Association. Her career has included positions as the human resources administrator at two major research libraries; a consultant and trainer with the Association of Research Libraries; a member of the faculty in the Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions PhD program at Simmons College and in one of the annual institutes sponsored by the Harvard Graduate School of Education. From January to June of 2013, she was the Interim dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College.
During her term as ALA president she launched The Promise of Libraries Transforming Communities, a partnership with The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, to prepare librarians to be conveners of community engagement and public innovators in their communities. She also worked with the Harvard Graduate School of Education to establish the first Library Leadership in a Digital Age institute. ALA created its first national leadership institute, Leading to the Future. She also helped to launch Reimagining ALA, an association-wide effort to transform the organization to meet the needs of its members as libraries face the challenges of the digital age.
Anmeldung: mit Angabe der Rechnungsadresse bei Evelin Morgenstern – morgenstern@initiativefortbildung.de
Bitte melden Sie sich gleichzeitig zum Festabend anlässlich der Award-Verleihung an (22. Mai, 18:00 ff.), wenn Sie dazu eine Einladung der Checkpoint Charlie Foundation erhalten möchten. Einzelheiten folgen.
Kostenbeitrag: dank der Unterstützung durch die CCF reduziert auf EURO 55,–
Anmeldeschluss: 09. Mai 2014
Unterkunft: Wir empfehlen dringend eine umgehende Reservierung im begehrten Motel One Berlin Spittelmarkt (http://www.motel-one.com/de/hotels/berlin/hotel-berlin-spittelmarkt/)
Tel. : (0 30) 2 01 43 63-0 – berlin-spittelmarkt@motel-one.com
Es liegt fußläufig zum Veranstaltungsort; ein Einzelzimmer kostet dort EURO 69,– pro Nacht und Person (ohne Frühstück)