Ghost Busters retten die NY Public Library

Die von immensen Budgetkürzungen bedrohte NY Public Library griff zu einem ungewöhnlichen Mittel, um auf ihr Problem aufmerksam zu machen …

To call attention to impending budget cuts, the New York Public Library used a public awareness technique that is garnering national attention.  The main branch of the library  was invaded by sketch artists re-creating the  first scene of the movie, Ghostbusters.

According to NYPL President and CEO Pau LeClerc, “We’re obviously facing a very difficult budget situation, so the question was how do we let people know about what we’re facing and what the consequences will be, because this is the people’s library.”  Viral video expert Alex Scordelis, says,  “We’re big fans of the library. We all use it a lot and we’re also big fans of Ghostbusters, so it was a perfect match. We were able to have fun and help them out at the same time so we were happy to do it.”

Die Künstlerwebsite (mit Hintergrundinformation und Fotos):

Das Video wurde mittlerweile über 2.000.000-mal angesehen

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