Guardian: 25 million books are missing from UK libraries – but who’s counting?

Die ewige Suche nach dem verschwundenen Büchern … Librarians call for a national audit after inventory count of Suffolk libraries reveals 10,000 books are missing, despite computer records saying otherwise … Siehe dazu

Bibliothekspraktikum (The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide, London)

Would you like to volunteer at The Wiener Library for 5 to 6 months full time? This placement is for students/graduates of librarianship, information science, or archive studies as well as for students of history or Holocaust studies. You will … Weiterlesen

Standard: „Idea Stores“ in London: Bücher wie Brot und Milch holen

Zentrale Lage, Bücher werden präsentiert wie in Book Shops – so sollen neue Bibliotheken in einem Londoner Bezirk Besucher anlocken Der Entschluss, mit neuen Bibliothekskonzepten zu experimentieren, ist in London aus einer Notwendigkeit heraus entstanden: Um 2000 sank die Zahl … Weiterlesen

Der neue Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) ist nun online

Dear Colleagues I’m pleased to be able to inform you that the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) has now been successfully migrated to CERL, and it can be accessed at There will be an automatic redirect from the old … Weiterlesen

Wissenschaftler reichen Beschwerde gegen Elsevier/RELX Group bei britischer Wettbewerbsbehörde ein!

Today, along with Stuart Lawson and Jon Tennant, I have submitted the below as a complaint to the Competition and Markets Authority, making good on the advice of Ann McKechin, MP at the BIS Inquiry into Open Access in 2013. … Weiterlesen