Bibliothek der Oxford University ist mit 1.000 m Bücher pro Tag umgezogen

5,628,224 Einheiten = 165,536 Laufmeter wurden  in weniger als einem Jahr  – von September 2010 bis in den Juli 2011 hinein – an der Oxford University Library in ein neues Außenlager in Swindon verlagert. Eine logistische Meisterleitung! Interessant auch die Entscheidung für den Standort eines neuen Büchermagazins.

Die Book Storage Facility der Oxford University Library 

The Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford today unveiled its new £26-million Book Storage Facility (BSF), capable of holding 8.4 million volumes on 153 miles of shelving.

The new book warehouse, in South Marston, near Swindon, will store lower-usage items from the Libraries’ collections that had overwhelmed the existing bookstacks and required additional temporary storage in various locations in and outside Oxford. These collections will now be brought together at the BSF, including books, maps, manuscripts, microfilms, periodicals and newspapers primarily from the 18th century onwards. Over the next year nearly 6 million books will be moved into the BSF in what will be the biggest book move in the Bodleian’s history (see Book Moves).

The Book Storage Facility consists of a 11-metre tall solid shelving system comprising 31 Very Narrow Aisles (VNA), with seven different bay type configurations to accommodate the different sizes of books and other materials. It also has a capacity equivalent to 153 miles (230 kilometres) of shelf space and a five level multi-tier structure for map storage. To guarantee the books’ preservation for the long-term, volumes will be stored in 745,000 bar-coded and specially designed storage trays and boxes that are of archival standard. Floor area of the warehouse equates to 1.6 football pitches although the High-Density shelving provides shelf surface area equivalent to 16.5 football pitches.

The decision to site the facility outside Oxford has been informed by the new academic strategy for the Libraries. This focuses on increasing the overall speed of access to information by providing direct access to high-demand print collections, increased online access to materials, and electronic document delivery. As a result of this strategy, the BSF will be used to house low-use collections, many of which have electronic copies available.

The new facility will also enable the New Bodleian to be redeveloped as a modern special collections library and research centre. While the BSF will house predominantly low-use items from the New Bodleian’s collections, the Radcliffe Science Library has become the temporary home for a high proportion of the University’s special collections. This means that high-value books and manuscripts can be retained in central Oxford.

Construction began in summer 2009 and has been completed in less than a year

Der Umzug in grafischer Darstellung:

Bilder vom neuen Aussenlager:

Der Umzug wurde in der Branchen-Zeitschrift  LOGISTIK HEUTE 5/2010 vorgestellt:

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