Wittenberg, J. (2020). New dimensions in data management: Understanding sharing and reuse practices for 3-D data. College & Research Libraries News, 81(9), 436. https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.81.9.436
As 3-D digitization becomes more accessible and research institutions expand support for 3-D modeling, researchers are increasingly leveraging 3-D models and methods. For instance, a paleontologist might use a micro CT scanning process to capture images of the inside of a specimen that would otherwise be destroyed by such an analysis. An archaeologist might use photogrammetry to construct digital representations of artifacts that can then be examined in a way that would be difficult or impossible in a museum setting. The emergence of 3-D modeling as a research practice presents several challenges for libraries working to support and facilitate the dissemination and reuse of 3-D data packages. At present, there is significant work to be done in the community to create a culture and infrastructure that facilitates sharing 3-D research.