Webinar „Persistent Identifiers: Current Features and Future Properties“ (June 1, 2017)

Join the next instalment in the THOR webinar series ‘Persistent Identifiers: What, Why and How?’, in which Juha Hakala (National Library of Finland) will describe the current features and future properties of the persistent identifier landscape.

You should attend this webinar if you know what persistent identifiers are but are interested in knowing much more about what you can actually do with them. In other words, what are the services that are being built on top of identifier systems?

The following topics will be covered:

  • Party identification
  • Interoperability and (metadata) services such as multiple resolution
  • The next generation of resolvers and work on extensions, such as specification of the URN r-component semantics

The webinar will take place on Thursday June 1, 2017 from 15.00–16.00 (CET). Please register in advance here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2217321710475844099

If you’d like to first gain an overview of the different PID systems available, you can find the last webinar in the series here: https://youtu.be/d_t7724DqNU. Further information can also be found on our website: https://project-thor.eu/2017/05/05/webinar-series-pids-what-why-how/.

Source: Kirstie Hewlett (@kirstie_hewlett) via RESEARCH-DATAMAN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK

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