ub:talks: Threats and Opportunities to deploying AI in the Research Ecosystem

About the talk

Jürgen Wastl, VP Research Evaluation and Global Challenges, Digital Science

AI is the most recent in a collection of technological innovations that have gradually been changing underlying relationships between researchers and their research. AI will change the space yet further and faster than previous technological innovations have done.

  • When: Monday 2nd of December, 2:00–3:30 h pm
  • Where: Kleiner Kursraum, Bibliotheksdirektion, 1. OG., Stiege 9, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien
  • Target group: Library staff, researchers, students
  • Language: English

Please register by e-mail to Martin Wieland: martin.wieland@univie.ac.at

About the event series

The new event series „ub:talks“ by the Vienna University Library addresses researchers, students and library staff. It invites experts from a wide range of disciplines to give new impulses for teaching, research and library work with lectures, seminars and workshops.

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