Save the date: OpenAIRE-Workshop „Open Peer Review: Models, Benefits and Limitations“ (Göttingen, June 7, 2016)

The OpenAIRE-event will take place on June 7th at Göttingen State and University Library in conjunction with the ELPUB 2016 Conference. It is aimed at publishers, journal editors, librarians, repository managers, researchers and all others who are interested in and/or dealing with new models of open peer review.

Digital networked technologies are reshaping scholarly communication, yet the predominant model of peer review remains the one which has been in place since the 1950s. As this model is subject to increasing criticism for being, for example, slow, unaccountable, wasteful of resources, and lacking in incentives, it makes sense to test and examine the ways in which new technologies enable new models of peer review. While a variety of initiatives, led in the main by publishers and researchers, have to date been implemented or proposed, the academic literature around open peer review remains scarce and chaotic and the names of differing forms of open peer review vocabulary often ill-defined.

Open peer review (OPR) can hence be seen as an umbrella term for the variety of these models, aiming to open up and reshape the traditionally closed processes of peer review, including post-publication review, online peer commentary, the publication of review reports as legitimate research outputs in themselves, disclosure of reviewer identities, and so on. These differing forms of openness, designed to address differing deficiencies in traditional peer review, will in turn be of interest to differing research communities and disciplines. It is perhaps safe to say that no one model of OPR will be suitable for all disciplines.

This workshop aims to bring together all interested stakeholders to facilitate discussion on these themes. It will equip participants with a fuller theoretical understanding of OPR models, a critical overview of the practical implementation of OPR models, OPR’s place in the wider Open Science movement. Concrete outcomes will be discussion of and validation of a new controlled vocabulary of forms of OPR and recommendations for the systematization of research into the effectiveness of differing forms of OPR.

Program and speakers as well as concrete information about registration will be announced soon.

Quelle: Arvid Deppe, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen / OpenAIRE2020

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