Von der EBLIDA-Website: From 02 to16 December 2011: Orphan Works Survey: Bring light into the digital ‘black hole’ of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Eblida is following up on the Orphan Works issue by giving you the opportunity to make your voice heard at Westminster and Brussels. We kindly ask you to complete the survey at:http://1686881.polldaddy.com/s/orphan-works-survey.
The survey is opened until Friday 16 December 2011- Results will be published in January 2012.
Bring light into the digital ‘black hole’ of the 20th and 21st centuries…and your chance to win a new ‘Kindle’! This is your opportunity to make your voice heard at Westminster and Brussels. In 2009 two agencies – Strategic Content Alliance (SCA) and the Collections Trust (CT) published one of the few empirical pieces of evidence on the scale and affects of orphan works on galleries, libraries, archives and libraries specifically and other organisations more broadly, entitled ‘In from the Cold” http://sca.jiscinvolve.org/wp/ipr-publications/managing-orphan-works/
In 2011, the SCA and CT have been joined by LIBER, Museums Galleries Scotland, Scottish Library and Information Council, Research Libraries UK and SCONUL in an attempt to gauge the changes which have occurred since the original report was published by completing this online survey. The results will be shared with UK IPO, HMG, EC and European Parliament.
We know what a chore survey completion can be, but we think it so important to provide policy makers with empirical evidence on which to base decisions rather than ‘lobbynomics’ we implore you to complete the survey. It takes minutes and as a thank you we will add you name to the prize draw – giving you a chance to win the new ‘Kindle’! Names will be entered into a prize drawer. Winners will be notified by email. Orphan works (works for which the rights holders are unknown or cannot be traced) represent a significant barrier to education, research and innovation. Their management requires disproportionate amounts of public funds at a time of austerity, and significant difficulties of tracing rights holders results a potential black hole of 20th and 21st century content.
In the recent Independent Review of IP and Growth, Professor Ian Hargreaves stated that the Government “…should begin by legislating to release for use the vast treasure trove of copyright works which are effectively unavailable – “orphan works” – to which access is in practice barred because the copyright holder cannot be traced. This is a move with no economic downside”. Many other countries already have solutions for orphan works. The European Union is also proposing a Directive on Orphan Works too. We will publish the results of the survey in January 2012.
Quelle: http://www.eblida.org/