Online-Petition: Cultural heritage research must be included in the 8th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (HORIZON 2020)

We, the undersigned, would like to plead strongly for the inclusion of cultural heritage research in the 8th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, HORIZON 2020.

In the proposal of the European Commission for HORIZON 2020 cultural heritage has been omitted completely, thus taking away all the funds previously available for research in this field. This decision has serious consequences, since the whole basis for the conservation of cultural heritage in Europe will be eliminated, probably for many years to come. …

Thus, the exclusion of cultural heritage research from HORIZON 2020 would be a disastrous step backwards for Europe as a cultural entity as well an extremely negative signal to the rest of the world.

The signatories of this letter request the EU to acknowledge fully its responsibilities now and in the future, to put cultural heritage research back high on its agenda and to address the topic appropriately in the next Framework Programme.

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