EBLIDA Newsletter Issue No. 4. April 2022

  1. President’s Editorial
  2. EBLIDA Annual Council and Conference „Ready to take off: libraries commitment towards a sustainable, democratic and equitable society“ (Athens, 14-16 June 2022) – Seven good reasons why EBLIDA is a must-do Conference!
  3. EBLIDA – NAPLE – PL2030 event (Athens, 16th June 2022)
  4. EBLIDA – NAPLE – PL2030: library networking and cooperation
  5. EBLIDA – NAPLE – PL2030: library networking and cooperation in Ukraine
  6. Zooming in on EGIL, the EBLIDA Expert Group on Information Law
  7. Europe and libraries: what source of funding? (Strasbourg – 5 May 2022)
  8. International design competition for the building of the new Central Library of Milan (deadline: July 2022)
  9. Barbara Lison, IFLA President, is honored with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  10. SDGs literacy for students promoted in Greek university libraries

Siehe https://mailchi.mp/391a3e949734/eblida-newsletter-5321965?e=a905c9ddf5

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