International conference „Sustaining the networked future: use and reuse of digital content“, 10-11 April 2014, Innsbruck, Austria.
Through various case-studies the conference examines how can digital materials be made visible and stay visible, be linked and endure.
- Martin Kalfatovic (Smithsonian Libraries, USA) shares the lessons in growth and sustainability learned by the Biodiversity Heritage Library, and discusses how they can be achieved in other digital projects
- Niklas Lindström (LIBRIS, The National Library of Sweden) discusses the possibilities, best practices and challenges with linked data which is the core of the Swedish library’s currently developed new infrastructure and national catalogue.
Other presentations unfold:
- concept of open data, including legal and technical issues and inspiring examples with OpenGLAM
- example of interoperability between ISNI identifiers and other systems
- experiments with crowdsourcing and crowdfunding
- long-term preservation of Linked Open Data sources
- related topics concerning publishers
- balance between digitization, making accessible and preservation of digital libraries.
Prior to the conference, on 10 April the EOD network gathers to share the best practices and common concerns with running the EOD service during 7 years and to look back on the achievements of the 5 year EOD project. The meeting is open to all.
The programme and abstracts: Free registration:
The conference is organised by the University and Regional Library of Tyrol (University of Innsbruck), together with the members of the EOD network.
More information:
Conference website Conference page on Facebook
EOD website