Google eBooks: über 3 Mio. freie EBooks

It’s been about six months since we launched Google eBooks. Now, we’re happy to report there are more than three million free Google eBooks available in the U.S. for your enjoyment and enlightenment (as compared to more than two million at launch). You can read them in the free Google Books Web Reader, through a free Google Books app, or by downloading them to your favorite compatible ereader.

To find free Google eBooks, click on “Free Google eBooks” in the left-hand column to narrow your Books search or browse through the Best of the Free bookshelf in the Google eBookstore.

Free ebooks aren’t the only thing on the rise… At launch, there were just over 100 independent booksellers selling Google eBooks — now there are more than 250. And while we had just over 5,000 publishers participating when Google eBooks first hit the cloud, we now have more than 7,000 — a 40% increase in half a year. Last but not least, installs of the Google Books apps for iOSAndroid and Chrome have exceeded 2.5 million since December. …


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