150.000 Bücher des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts und 450.000 des 18. Jahrhunderts wurden von Google Books bereist gescant. Nun wurden auch einige Bücher in full-color digitalisiert. Google Books dazu:
In digitizing books from any century, we try to create clean images with black text and color illustrations on white backgrounds. This helps enhance readability, save storage spaces and serve illustrated pages faster to readers. However, partners, researchers and other readers have frequently asked us to show the older books as they actually appear, for a couple of reasons: First, these books are interesting artifacts. They have changed their appearance over the centuries, and there is a cultural value in viewing them. Second, because of aging and bleed-through, it can be very difficult to display the images as clean text over a white background; in many cases it’s actually easier to read the text from the original (what we call „full-color“) images.
Leider erfährt man nicht, wie man nach den full-color Digitalisaten speziell suchen kann …? Und wie schaut das mit den Digitalisaten der ÖNB aus? Werden die full-color sein? Zu hoffen wäre es.
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