Frankreich regelt Nutzung vergriffener Werke

Im Kluwer Copyright Blog hat  in ihrem Artikel „France solves its XXe century book problem!“ die neuen gesetzlichen Regelungen zum Gebrauch vergriffener Werke in Frankreich dargestellt. Das Gesetz bedarf allerdings noch einer Durchführungsverordnung.

… According to the explanatory memorandum to the Proposal, France is the first country in the world to put in place a modern and efficient mechanism to regulate the use of unavailable works, which forms today’s biggest obstacle to the digitization of cultural heritage. The French solution is presented as offering a response to the rejected Google settlement in the United States. …

The French system rests on two elements: 1) the creation of a database managed by the French National Library where the unavailable status of books can be registered; and 2) the mandatory collective administration of rights, where a work registered in the database can be reproduced and made available on an non-exclusive basis for a renewable period of five years provided that remuneration is paid to the rights owner. …

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