EURIG Launched: National Libraries Sign up to European RDA Interest Group

The European RDA Interest Group (EURIG) was formally launched in Copenhagen on 27th September. The EURIG Cooperation Agreement was signed by: Dame Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive of the British Library; Dr. Elisabeth Niggemann, Director General of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek; Mrs. Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, Director of the Biblioteca Nacional de España and Dr. Gunnar Sahlin, National Librarian of Sweden and Director of the Royal Library.

EURIG exists to promote the common professional interests of all users, and potential users, of RDA: Resource Description and Access, in Europe.

RDA: Resource Description and Access has been developed to supersede the widely adopted Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2). One of the design objectives of RDA is to develop a cataloguing code which is compatible with internationally established principles, models, and standards.

EURIG developed from informal discussions between European national libraries concerned with the development, translation and implementation of RDA. Alan Danskin, Chair of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA, commented, “JSC is grateful for the many thoughtful responses contributed to the RDA development project by librarians from across Europe. I am sure EURIG will provide a valuable collaborative space for European libraries as they grapple with translation and implementation and engage in RDA’s continuing development. It is also fitting that the EURIG Cooperation
agreement should be signed in Copenhagen, which hosted EURIG’s kick-off meeting last year.”

EURIG’s future plans include an inaugural members’ meeting which will take place in December, to be followed by a technical meeting in early 2012.



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