The objective of the consultation is to analyse and provide insights on how to best position EOSC Skills and Training in Digital Skills national strategies and agendas (advocacy) as well as to develop a list for recommendations for various types of policy makers with the purpose of providing well-rounded, all-inclusive (research-government-industry-public) options to include in national strategies for Digital Skills and up-skilling.
The consultation is divided into two sections as follows:
Section 1 corresponds to identified gaps related to four „building blocks (BB)“ of the Digital Skills (DS) & Open Science (OS) ecosystem:
BB1- People & Actors of EOSC: The scope is to assess and prioritise the relevance and significance of gaps identified in relation with existing academic curricula and accreditation systems for data scientists and public employees, with existing standardisation practices for digital skills profiles, with existing educational modules on open science and open data practices in the universities’ curricula or other ongoing training systems, as well as with the any rewarding process for career development of researchers on open science practices and cross-sector (research-industry-public sector) cooperation mechanisms.
BB2- Processes & Governance: The scope is to assess and prioritise the relevance and significance of gaps identified in relation with existing coordination and regulatory mechanisms for digital skills development and for open data, open science, AI, cybersecurity skills development, as well as with existing private sector – research cooperation structures.
BB3- Policies: The scope is to assess and prioritise the relevance and significance of gaps identified in relation with existing policies and strategies dedicated to digital skills and training, open data, open science, AI and cybersecurity.
BB4- Technologies & infrastructure: The scope is to assess and prioritise the relevance and significance of gaps identified in relation with existing national training platforms and content development structures as well as with existing advanced learning environments applying open data principles and mechanisms for researchers’ cooperation based on open science principles.
Section 2 explores the key action areas related to integrating EOSC objectives to national policies
You can participate in the EOSC Digital Skills Working Group here: