Einladung zum LIBER-EBLIDA Digitization Workshop (Den Haag, 5.10.2011)

Invitation to the 3rd LIBER and EBLIDA Digitization Workshop, 5-7 October, 2011–A Chance to Network with your European Digitization Colleagues

LIBER and EBLIDA are organizing the 3rd consecutive Workshop on Digitization of Library Material in Europe in The Hague, Netherlands, 5–7 October. Anyone interested in digitization is welcome to participate; not only the members of LIBER or EBLIDA. This year the biennial Workshop is organized for the third time. The Workshop is organized with the help of Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National library of the Netherlands.

The Workshop provides a venue for presenting innovative new ideas regarding the digitization of library materials. The aim is to brainstorm on how libraries can best advance the European Commissions’ Digital Agenda for Europe. The Workshop presentations focus on four different themes: User Experience, Business Models, Reuse (Metadata) and Workflow.

The Workshop presents a unique opportunity to network with your European colleagues. The registration closes on 16. September, 2011. The employees of organizations that are members of either LIBER or EBLIDA are entitled to a discount on the participation fee. Further information and registration at the Workshop webpage: http://indico.eblida.org/conferenceDisplay.py?confid=22.

LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche) is an association of European research libraries and EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations) is an umbrella association of library, information, documentation and archive associations and institutions in Europe.

Further information regarding LIBER can be found at http://www.libereurope.eu and information regarding

EBLIDA at http://www.eblida.org.

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