EBLIDA Newsletter nr. 9 September 2014

Issue 9 (September, 2014) of EBLIDA News, now also available here for downloading.

Contents of Issue 9:

  • Page 1:  President’s Editorial
  • Page 2:  Interview with Klaus-Peter Böttger during IFLA Lyon, Right to E-Read Campaign;
  • Page 3:  ELINET: Literacy for all—European Library Network, News Round-up (EBLIDA and Europe): CJEU and e-lending;
  • Page 4:  News Round-up (EBLIDA and Europe): CJEU and e-lending (cont. and end); New EU Commission organigram;
  • Page 5:  Who’s Who: FESABID, Spain;
  • Page 6 & 7:  Events and dates

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