Please find enclosed Issue 7-8 (July-August, 2012) of EBLIDA news, also available since 2nd July at
Contents of Issue 7-8:
- President’s editorial
- News round-up: E.U.: Europeana Newspaper Project, The European Library and Arrow;
- News round-up: EBLIDA and Europe: From DG INFSO to DG CONNECT
- News round-up: EBLIDA and Europe: The copyright challenge: Re-defining Intellectual Property Rights– Exceptions, Limitations, “Fair Use”.
- News round-up: EBLIDA and Europe: The Digital Assembly
- EBLIDA activities: New EBLIDA website; 21st EBLIDA Council and Conference; Office Closure
- EBLIDA’s who’s who? This Month: The Netherlands Institute for Public Libraries/ Sectorinstituut Openbare Bibliotheken (SIOB)
- Events and Dates.