Die Washington Post zum Crowdfunding-Projekt zur Restaurierung des Stummfilms „Die Stadt ohne Juden“ (1924)

Why Austria is restoring a 1924 film that predicted the rise of the Nazis

Few knew it when it first screened, but „The City Without Jews“ offered a glimpse of the future.

Shot in 1924 Vienna, the silent movie imagined a Jew-hating chancellor coming to power in a city named Utopia. He blames his society’s woes on its Jewish population, using smears to foment widespread anti-Semitism. Some of the details of the 70-minute film were eerily prescient: Utopia’s Jews are sent to exile on packed trains, more than a decade before the Nazis sent Europe’s Jews to death camps in a similar fashion. …

siehe https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/12/09/why-austria-is-restoring-a-1924-film-that-predicted-the-rise-of-the-nazis/?utm_term=.e327fe23d6b5

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