Björk & Korkeamäki (2020). Adoption of the Open Access Business Model in Scientific Journal Publishing: A Cross-disciplinary Study

Björk, B., & Korkeamäki, T. (2020). Adoption of the Open Access Business Model in Scientific Journal Publishing: A Cross-disciplinary Study. College & Research Libraries, 81(7), 1080. Scientific journal publishers have rapidly converted during the past 25 years to predominantly … Weiterlesen

Dreher, Lang & Oberländer (2020). Bereitschaft zu Open Access in den Geisteswissenschaften

Dreher, L., Lang, I., & Oberländer, A. (2020). Bereitschaft zu Open Access in den Geisteswissenschaften. O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB, 7(2), 1–20. Dieser Artikel liefert die empirische Grundlage für eine Beurteilung der Einstellung geisteswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriftenherausgeber*innen gegenüber Open … Weiterlesen

Rodrigues RS, Abadal E, de Araújo BKH (2020). Open access publishers: The new players

Rodrigues RS, Abadal E, de Araújo BKH (2020). Open access publishers: The new players. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0233432. The essential role of journals as registries of scientific activity in all areas of knowledge justifies concern about their ownership and … Weiterlesen

Shearer, K. & Becerril-García, A. (2021). Decolonizing Scholarly Communications through Bibliodiversity

Shearer, Kathleen & Becerril-García, Arianna (2021). Decolonizing Scholarly Communications through Bibliodiversity. Zenodo. Diversity is an important characteristic of any healthy ecosystem. In the field of scholarly communications, diversity in services and platforms, funding mechanisms and evaluation measures will allow … Weiterlesen

Bertelmann et al. (2021). DeepGreen: Open-Access-Transformation in der Informationsinfrastruktur – Anforderungen und Empfehlungen, Version 1.0

Bertelmann et al. (2021). DeepGreen: Open-Access-Transformation in der Informationsinfrastruktur – Anforderungen und Empfehlungen, Version 1.0. DeepGreen ist ein Service, der es teilnehmenden institutionellen Open-Access-Repositorien,Open-Access-Fachrepositorien und Forschungsinformationssystemen erleichtert, für sie relevante Verlagspublikationen in zyklischer Abfolge mithilfe von Schnittstellen Open Access … Weiterlesen

Kirsch, M. A. (2021). Plan S in der Diskussion – Reaktionen aus der Wissenschaft auf die internationale Open-Access-Initiative

Kirsch, M. A. (2021). Plan S in der Diskussion – Reaktionen aus der Wissenschaft auf die internationale Open-Access-Initiative. Perspektive Bibliothek, 9(1). Plan S und seine potenziellen Auswirkungen auf die wissenschaftliche Publikationskultur gehören aktuell zu den international intensiv diskutierten Themen, … Weiterlesen

Berger (2021). Bibliodiversity at the Centre: Decolonizing Open Access

Berger, M. (2021). Bibliodiversity at the Centre: Decolonizing Open Access. Development and Change. The promise of open access for the global South has not been fully met. Publishing is dominated by Northern publishers, which disadvantages Southern authors through platform … Weiterlesen

Moore (2021). Open Access, Plan S and ‘Radically Liberatory’ Forms of Academic Freedom

Moore, S.A. (2021). Open Access, Plan S and ‘Radically Liberatory’ Forms of Academic Freedom. Development and Change. This opinion piece interrogates the position that open access policies infringe academic freedom. Through an analysis of the objections to open access … Weiterlesen

Sagemüller, Meißner and Mußhoff (2021). Where Can the Crow Make Friends? Sci‐Hub’s Activities in the Library of Development Studies and its Implications for the Field

Sagemüller, F., Meißner, L. and Mußhoff, O. (2021). Where Can the Crow Make Friends? Sci‐Hub’s Activities in the Library of Development Studies and its Implications for the Field. Development and Change. This study examines data on the worldwide use … Weiterlesen

Kamerlin, Allen, de Bruin, Derat and Urdal (2021). Journal Open Access and Plan S: Solving Problems or Shifting Burdens?

Kamerlin, S.C.L., Allen, D.J., de Bruin, B., Derat, E. and Urdal, H. (2021). Journal Open Access and Plan S: Solving Problems or Shifting Burdens?. Development and Change. This academic thought piece provides an overview of the history of, and … Weiterlesen