Call for Papers: Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy (JIFP) @OIF @ALALibrary #IntelectualFreedom #Privacy

The Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy (JIFP), published through the American Library Association is seeking authors with research projects and papers related to intellectual freedom and privacy!

The Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy (JIFP) seeks two types of submissions:

  • Features (4000-8000 words): research papers, peer-reviewed (including literature reviews, theoretical or critical analyses, or empirical research articles)
  • Commentaries (500-1500 words): short think pieces or essays, not peer-reviewed

JIFP is interpreting intellectual freedom and privacy very broadly (not just in libraries, but across the broader world), so if you have a possibly-related paper, please contact the editor (

Special Notes:

  • Indexed by ProQuest and Ebsco
  • Published by the Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association
  • Turn-around time is generally very fast (two to four months)
  • Quarterly publication with rolling (ongoing) submission deadlines
  • We use Chicago style for citations but can work directly with authors to help them implement this (so you can submit a manuscript with a different style)
  • All submissions must be in English

Questions? Visit: or contact the editor, Shannon M. Oltmann (

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