2010 top ten trends in academic libraries
A review of the current literature
ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee
- Academic library collection growth is driven by patron demand and will include new resource types.
- Budget challenges will continue and libraries will evolve as a result.
- Changes in higher education will require that librarians possess diverse skill sets.
- Demands for accountability and assessment will increase.
- Digitization of unique library collections will increase and require a larger share of resources.
- Explosive growth of mobile devices and applications will drive new services.
- Increased collaboration will expand the role of the library within the institution and beyond.
- Libraries will continue to lead efforts to develop scholarly communication and intellectual property services.
- Technology will continue to change services and required skills.
- The definition of the library will change as physical space is repurposed and virtual space expands.
College & Research Libraries News, June 2010, vol. 71 no. 6 286-292
Quelle und genauere Ausführungen: http://crln.acrl.org/content/71/6/286.long
Hinweis bei http://bibliomedia.wordpress.com/2010/06/25/die-10-wichtigsten-trends-in-akademischen-bibliotheken/