Für diesen von Bibliotheksnetzwerk Nereus organisierten Workshop im Rahmen der diesjährigen LIBER-Konferenz sind noch Anmeldungen möglich. Thema und Programm:
In recent years a growing number of Universities and Research Institutions in Europe have established Open Access Policies for the publications of their researchers. Many other academic institutions are planning to set up such a policy in the near future. But how successful are these policies in their Impact on the free availability of research results? What are the pros and cons with respect to voluntary or mandatory policies? And which roles can libraries play here from advocacy and infrastructure to monitoring? Are they able to be the driving force towards more Open Access in their institutions?
Our workshop (organized by the NEREUS network of European libraries in Economics and Social Sciences) tries to address these issues. The first part showcases a number of presentations from different universities which have established Open Access Policies and they discuss their experience and the lessons learned. In the second half we want to involve all workshop participants and discuss different aspects in small groups, before bringing the results together in a plenary.
14:00 – 14:15 Short Introduction incl. results of NEREUS Open Access Survey (Olaf Siegert, ZBW)
14:15 – 16.00 Open Access Policies in practice and lessons learned:
a. University of Warwick (Yvonne Budden)
b. Konstanz University (Karlheinz Pappenberger)
c. European University Institute, Florence (Peter Kennealy)
d. KU Leuven (Karl Demeyere)
e. University of Minho (Eloy Rodriguez)
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:30 Discussion in Small Groups
17:30 – 18:00 Presentations of Small Groups Results in the Plenum
Die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung und weitere Informationen befinden sich hier: http://nereus-oa-liber2014.eventbrite.com