Webinar zum Thema „Smarter Open Access Workflows“

Registration is now open for the latest Digital Science webinar:

Smarter Open Access Workflows: reacting to an ever-changing landscape and putting the right infrastructure in place.

You will hear about:

  • Global policies and infrastructures related to supporting open access initiatives from around the globe
  • The outcomes of having an open access infrastructure in place at universities – what are the key benefits?
  • Issues that universities face e.g. creating academic workflows, adoption and engagement, funder reporting, and how universities approach these issues
  • Rights-retention and open access policies at universities and how this newer model is more effective than a deposit-only policy


  • Catherine Mitchell, California Digital Library
  • Torsten Reimer, Imperial College London
  • Peter Suber, Harvard Open Access Project, SPARC and many more!
  • Julia Hawks, Symplectic

Time: Wednesday 11th May at 4pm BST / 11am ET. The webinar will last for one hour including time for live questions.

Cost: Free!

You will be able to follow the Twitter discussion and submit questions for the panel using the #DSwebinar hashtag. We’re looking forward to the discussion, so please do register above.

Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4086323243907201538

Quelle: http://us10.campaign-archive1.com/?u=ac4cb541692cbce29f8b1d2ae&id=1088d539cb&e=6b04b61a43

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