The Polonsky Foundation Dante Project – the tribute of 135 libraries worldwide 

The Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) celebrates the 700th Anniversary of Dante’s death with a digital project centred on the edition of the Comedia printed in Florence in 1481 with engravings from Botticelli’s design, and an illustrated copy-census of all its surviving copies (180). It is funded by The Polonsky Foundation.

  • Each copy described in Material Evidence in Incunabula (= MEI)
  • Images of provenance and use in CERL’s Provenance Digital Archive (PDA)
  • Illustrations in the ‚1516‘ database

Data and images have allowed us to create a webpage which outlines not only the history of the edition, but also the history of all its surviving copies, that is the reception of this work among its contemporaries, and in later centuries, with images which reveal former owners and how they read the Comedia.

  • Webpage on edition, drawings, readers, printing in Florence, bibliography, census
  • Interactive map locating all copies, with links to MEI
  • Video 1: Botticelli interpreter of Dante 
  • Video 2: The Readers of Dante’s Comedia
  • English and Italian versions

The project was launched at the Embassy of Italy in London on 16 November 2021. The copy from Florence, National Central Library, Banco Rari 12, will be on display there for two months.

The Polonsky Foundation Dante Project is dedicated to the libraries that have so enthusiastically shared their collections in this illustrated census, and to all readers of Dante.

Cristina Dondi, Secretary of CERL 

Quelle: Hinweis via Falk Eisermann/incunabula-Liste

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