Open Knowledge Maps coordinates new network to improve research data discovery. #researchdata #discovery @OK_Maps @GOFAIRofficial

Research data are among the fastest growing openly accessible scientific outputs on the web. Unfortunately, the discoverability of this data is seriously lacking, leaving up to 85% of datasets unused.

This is why Open Knowledge Maps has started a new implementation network (IN) that aims to change this. The main purpose of the Discovery IN is to provide open interfaces and other user-facing services for data discovery across disciplines. It brings together many well-known organisation and projects working on FAIR data (short for findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable data), including DataCite, OpenAIRE, EUDAT, OPERAS, CESSDA, BASE, CORE, ZBW, and Know-Center.

The network is part of the GO FAIR initiative, a bottom-up international approach for the practical implementation of infrastructures for FAIR data, such as the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud).



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