Open Book Alliance und Google

Die Open Book Alliance hat ihre Vorstellungen zum Google Books Settlement in einem Brief an den US Congress zum Ausdruck gebracht. Wie könnte/sollte die Zukunft von Massendigitalisierungen aussehen?

  • Open Process: Only an open and deliberative conversation in Congress will appropriately weigh the concerns of all stakeholders and create bright-line laws that apply equally to all consumers, companies and stakeholders.
  • Public Interest: Any successful digitization effort must not be exclusive to a single for-profit company as a result of legal arrangements delivering unfair monopoly.   It also must uphold the rights of authors and copyright.
  • Public Guardian: To ensure the widest participation by content holders and greatest public benefit, the digital book database should be entrusted to a neutral, civic, not-for-profit organization. Respected librarians, like Harvard’s Robert Darnton, have suggested a public guardian that is a not for profit or public sector library, such as the Library of Congress.  In a similar vein, the governments of France and the Netherlands have entrusted public institutions with the administration of digital libraries.

Quelle und weiterführende Informationen:

Website der Open Book Alliance:

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