As key stewards of our culture and heritage, libraries and museums have traditionally enjoyed, and to a great extent still do enjoy, a unique role and special responsibility within societies around the world. But as economic disruptions and rapid technological innovation have brought about dramatic societal changes, libraries and museums, too, are being forced to revisit and rethink their own roles and responsibilities within these changing societies. The 21st century indeed poses perplexing challenges, but at the same time offers intriguing new opportunities for libraries and museums. It is a critical moment for leaders within libraries and museums to reflect creatively and strategically about the role and place of their institutions in an era of participatory culture and to recognize and seize the opportunity for reorientation and reinvention.
Building on the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) initiative The Future of Museums and Libraries as well as on past museum and library sessions convened by the Salzburg Global Seminar, this session will bring together approximately fifty leaders, advocates and constituents of libraries and museums, cultural and educational policymakers, cultural sector researchers, representatives of library and museum education programs, technology experts, sociologists, journalists, and library and museum association representatives to debate the changing roles and responsibilities of libraries and museums in their societies. The participants will consider the following key areas: societal changes that are shaping the future of museums and libraries; collaboration; education and training; communication and technology; sustainability; value and values. Together, the participants will develop a set of recommendations for libraries and museums to meet the new challenges posed to them in this era of participatory culture. The recommendations, in turn, will be shared with the larger library and museum community worldwide.
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