Journal of Digital Information zum Thema „Information Access to Cultural Heritage“

Hinweis bei

Journal of Digital Information Vol 10, No 6 (2009)


  • Special Issue on Information Access to Cultural Heritage
    Martha Larson, Kate Fernie, Johan Oomen


  • Towards Affordable Disclosure of Spoken Heritage Archives
    Roeland Ordelman, Willemijn Heeren, Marijn Huijbregts, Franciska de Jong, Djoerd Hiemstra
  • Advanced Information Access to Parliamentary Debates
    Maarten Marx
  • User needs in television archive access: Acquiring knowledge necessary for system design
    Brian Kirkegaard Lunn
  • Toward Semantic Digital Libraries: Exploiting Web 2.0 and Semantic Services in Cultural Heritage
    Andrea Baruzzo, Paolo Casoto, Prasad Challapalli, Antonina Dattolo, Nirmala Pudota, Carlo Tasso
  • Metadata and Semantics in Digital Object Collections: A Case-Study on CIDOC-CRM and Dublin Core and a Prototype Implementation
    Dimitrios A. Koutsomitropoulos, Georgia D. Solomou, Theodore S. Papatheodorou
  • Putting Hybrid Cultural Data on the Semantic Web
    Kate Byrne
  • Extending Domain-Specific Resources to Enable Semantic Access to Cultural Heritage Data
    Paul D Clough, Neil Ireson, Jennifer Marlow


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