Jahresbericht 2011 der UB Bozen online

Heute wurde der Jahresbericht 2011 der Universitätsbibliothek Bozen veröffentlicht.
Er kann hier online abgerufen werden: http://www.unibz.it/en/library/about/Documents/report_2011.pdf [pdf, 3,2 MB]

Hier die Pressemitteilung zur Veröffentlichung des Berichts von der News-Seite der UB Bozen (nur in engl. verfügbar):

Annual Report 2011
2011 started with the insourcing of the libraries of the Museion and the Monteverdi Conservatory, a process which was concluded in summer. Through the integration of the two libraries, the University Library not only managed to gain new contents in the field of art and music but could also attract new user groups. Already for the fourth time the Library participated in the international BIX library assessment together with 74 other libraries and was ranked second.In autumn the second issue of the Library Journal was published focusing on educational sciences and in Bruneck-Brunico the foundation stone was laid for the new City and University Library. Last year’s most important and work-intensive event was the implementation of the Primo search engine. This discovery tool, which went online in December, brings together all library resources under one search interface.
So far some of the highlights of the new Annual Report, which has been published annually by the University Library since 2004. To see the complete Annual Report with detailed information from the core areas of the Library, with reviews of special events and the most significant statistical data click here.


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