IFLA Publications Series 146: Digital Library Futures. User perspectives and strategies

CoverJust off the press as Nr 146 in the IFLA Publications Series:

Digital Library Futures. User perspectives and strategies
Edited by Ingeborg Verheul, Anna Maria Tammaro and Steve Witt

Initiatives at a cross-cultural level, where libraries, museums and archives work together in creating digital libraries, and making their cultural heritage collections available online, are emerging. Leading academic researchers from the cultural heritage sector and the publishers sectors approach this issue: digital library user experience: a focus on current user research; digital library content: what users want and how they use it; strategies for institutions: how cultural institutions and publishers respond to the digital challenge.

Digital Library Futures: user perspectives and strategies  / edited by Ingeborg Verheul, Anna Maria Tammaro and Steve Witt. Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur, 2010. (IFLA Publications; Nr 146).
ISBN 978-3-11-023218-9.
Euro 89.95
Special price for IFLA members Euro 69.95

Also available as an eBook


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