Bolzano, Italy, August 19-21, 2009
Registration is now open for the Satellite Conference on Serials Preservation, organized by the IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources. Onsite hosting and generous local support is provided by the University of Bolzano Library.
The title of the Conference is: PRESERVING THE CULTURAL LEGACY OF SERIALS FROM CONSERVATION (PRINT AND MANUSCRIPT) TO REFORMATTING (MANY FORMATS) TO DIGITAL (BYTES). Most of the proceedings will be in English. This is a program of interest not only to serials and preservation librarians, but also to historians, digital specialists, and others involved in the practice of current librarianship — and our colleague publishers and vendors, of course.
The Satellite meeting will begin with a reception in the early evening of Wednesday, 19 August. The programme will proceed all day Thursday, August 20th, and University of Bolzano Library is providing a special treat that evening in
an historic mountain castle, a dinner that promises to be an outstanding event. Then, for anyone wishing to attend the World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Milan, the Bolzano Library has arranged for all registrants to be transported by coach to Milan, once the Satellite conference ends at noon on Friday, August 21st.
The Web site for this Satellite Conference is found at:
Once there, you will find a list of our exceptional speakers and their affiliations,
- Stefano Bonanni, Elisa Fiocchi and Enrico Martellini (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy) ― „State of the Art of Serial Digitization in Italy“
- Peter Burnhill (Director of EDINA and Head of Edinburgh University Data Library) ― „CLOCKSS: A Scaled-up Serial Preservation Initiative“
- Giovanni Bergamin (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Firenze) and Barbara Casalini (Casalini Libri) ― „Editoria Italiana Online and the Italian Publishers of Academic Serials“ ―
- Nathalie Fargier Flory (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France) ― „Digitizing French Journals in the Humanities: Preservation Issues in the Programme Persée“
- Helmut Hartmann (Director of the Central Consortium Office, Austrian Academic Consortium, Österreichische Bibliothekenverbund und Service GmbH (OBVSG) / The Austrian Library Network and Service, Ltd, Vienna) ― „Licensing Language for Preservation of Consortial Electronic Resources“
- Bruce Heterick (JSTOR / Portico Publisher Relations) ― „Portico: Lessons Learned from a Third Party Serials Initiative for Libraries“
- William Kilbride (Executive Director, Digital Preservation Coalition, UK): „Overview of Digital Preservation Activities for Serials and Related Materials in the UK“
- Klaus Kempf (Head of Acquisition, Collection Development and Cataloguing, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek / Bavarian State Library, Munich, Germany) ― „Reaching Out for Eternity: Digital Preservation from the Perspective of a Library Steeped in Tradition“
- Constance Malpas (OCLC-RLG) ― „Shared Print Initiatives: Overview of the Movement and New Initiatives in the United States“
- Marcel Ras (Manager, e-Depot, Koninklijke Bibliotheek/National Library of the Netherlands) ― The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Preservation Partnership with the University of Lund, Sweden“
as well as a link to the registration form; also there is the list of hotels University of Bolzano Library has identified for us to choose
from. Registrants will be responsible for registration fees (25 Euros), transport to Bolzano (train from Milano, for example), hotel and some meals.
If anyone needs a „letter of invitation“ to be able to register, please let us know. There is also the possibility to fund registration for Library School students who wish to attend, though we cannot provide the accommodation. Please let us know if you are a student interested in such a possibility.
We look forward to seeing many of you at this outstanding program. The program planning committee has included Standing Committee members: Hildegard Schaeffler, Alicia Wise, and Simonetta Pasqualis. Graziano Kratli, Yale University Library, has led the Web development work. Many thanks again to our Bolzano hosts for their excellent and enthusiastic work on all the on-ground planning and logistics. They are most generous with their time and resources. Great appreciation to all.
The exact schedule is currently being developed and will be added to the Web site at a later time. Please join us in beautiful Bolzano, on your way to Milano!
Ann Okerson, Chair
Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources (SOCRS)
Simonetta Pasqualis
Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources (SOCRS)
Elisabeth Frasnelli
Free University of Bolzano Library
Quelle: VÖB-Mailingliste