HARVARD gazette: Robert Darnton closes the book

Departing University Librarian embraced and defended the digital, while still savoring the printed.

Early this summer, Robert Choate Darnton, Harvard’s Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and University Librarian, will pack up his book-lined office on the second floor of Wadsworth House.

As of June 30, the celebrated historian, digital library pioneer, and champion of books will leave the University he first saw as an undergraduate in 1957. A scholar of Enlightenment France and of the history of the book, he returned to Harvard in 1965 to join the Society of Fellows, decamped to Princeton University in 1968 for 39 years, and came back to Harvard in 2007.

Den ganzen Artikel unter http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/05/robert-darnton-closes-the-book/

Website Darnton: http://www.robertdarnton.org/

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