EBLIDA Newsletter No. 12. December 2021

  1. Editorial
  2. „Second European Report on Sustainable Development and Libraries“. A Synthesis: national perceptions
  3. Webinar: Sustainability in Public Libraries – Better funding for a great good place (23 November 2021)
  4. Report from the EBLIDA Groups: ELSIA (European Libraries and Sustainable development Implementation and Assessment)
  5. Report from the EBLIDA Groups: LIBLEG (Library Legislation and Policy in Europe)
  6. EBLIDA invited to the international event at the Thessaloniki Book Fair
  7. EBLIDA invited to the conference „Libraries today and the Digital Single Market“
  8. News from PL 2030: Digital Travellers – a journey of digital education in public libraries

Siehe https://mailchi.mp/316f692cdbdd/eblida-newsletter-4870162?e=a905c9ddf5

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