The President’s Editorial
Inside Brussels:
- Copyright Reform Summer break – time to issue a joint statement
- EBLIDA Answer to the Public Consultation on Ancillary rights and Freedom of Panorama
- The new role of public libraries – A CULT Committee workshop in the European Parliament, 20 June, Brussels
Inside Europe:
- Brexit
- EBLIDA Director at the French Librarian Congress, 9 to 11 June, Clermont-Ferrand (France)
- EBLIDA Director at the Copyright round table in the Impact Hub, Bucharest, Romania – 29 June
- Media Literacy Conference in Riga, 27-29 June
- Opinion of the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union on e-lending
Inside EBLIDA:
- The library community’s position on the AG opinion of the CJEU
- We are advocating for libraries. Are you?
Outside Europe:
- Marrakesh Treaty enters into force in less than three months’ time, but Europe’s still not on board
- IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Columbus (Ohio, USA) – 13-18 August