- Editorial, by Ton van Vlimmeren
- EBLIDA Conference: A hopeful start
- A panel on “Policies for, around and within libraries”
- Workshop 1: The Changing Landscape of Public Sector Leadership (by Rauha Maarno). Chair and Testimonial: Mr Steven de Waal, Chairman, Public Space Foundation, Netherlands; Rapporteur: Ms Rauha Maarno, EBLIDA
- Workshop 2: Active Citizenship (by Majella Cunnane), Chair: Mr Matjaź Gruden, Director of the Division Democratic Participation, Council of Europe, Slovenia, and Testimonial: „Libraries as vehicles for democratic participation“ Ms Marie Østergaard, Director, Public Libraries of Aarhus and DOKK 1, Denmark; Rapporteur: Majella Cunnane
- Workshop 3: What can libraries do to face socio-economic and security challenges during crisis? (by Julie Calmus), Chair: Ms. Ulla Wimmer,Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Germany and Testimonial: Ms Katrina Kukaine, Latvijas Nacionālā Bibliotēka, Latvia; Rapporteur: Julie Calmus
- Workshop 4: How can we use SDGs to reinforce library power? ( by Alicia Sellés) Chair: Ms Mairead Owens, EBLIDA Treasurer, Director, City Library of Dublin, Ireland and Testimonial: Ms Inga Surgunte, National Commission for UNESCO, Latvia Rapporteur: Ms Alicia Sellés Carot
- Workshop 5: Empowering citizens through digital literacy (by Marina Encheva) Chair: Ms Spaska Tarandova, Director, Global Libraries Foundation, Bulgaria, and Testimonial: Professor Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Italy; Rapporteur: Marina Encheva
- Workshop 6: The European e-lending Summit ( by Valentina Bondesan) Chair: Mr Sander van Kempen, Senior Adviser, Royal Library of Netherlands, and Testimonial: E-lending summit Mr Giuseppe Vitiello, Director, EBLIDA Rapporteur: Ms Valentina Bondesan
- The sponsors’ corner, front and centre
- Joint EBLIDA-NAPLE-PL2030 Event
- Flourishing School Libraries: Research, Policy and Practice ( by Luisa Marquardt)
- Major European library events in 2023