Die „Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)“ hat gerade ihren Strategie Plan 2015-1017 veröffentlicht. Die Hauptziele sind:
Top Priorities: Complete the service hub network across
the United States so that every collection that wishes to be a part of DPLA can become so. Diversify our holdings so that all kinds of institutions, item types, geographical regions, and topics are adequately represented.HUBS
In the next three years, our top priority is to complete our national network of service hubs, so that we can draw materials from every state in the union. Currently we have 11 state or regional hubs, which cover 15 states. To cover the map, we must launch new hubs in the remaining states, or have states join forces with an existing hub. This will require a concerted effort by the DPLA staff, community, and funders, but it is very much within our reach.
Top Priorities: Future-proof DPLA’s technical infrastructure, moving it from a launchappropriate deployment to a more rigorous, flexible, and extensible architecture. With U.S. and international partners, ensure a sustainable, innovative, and powerful code base for ingest, storage, and metadata enhancement. Develop a generalized metadata aggregation system, for use by our service hubs and others. Ensure that we can index all kinds of content, potentially including full text as well as metadata. Streamline the ingest process so that we can maximize our overall collection and the regularity with which we poll partners for new content.
Top Priorities: Increase use of the DPLA portal and platform through broad dissemination as well as targeted outreach to audiences and communities who can benefit most from the collection. Find ways to have DPLA used extensively in the classroom, from K-12 through higher education.
Top Priorities: Achieve sustainability by the end of FY2017 through a mix of revenue sources, potentially including public and private funding, cost-recovery services that are related to our core operations, and consortial or membership support; grow the staff at a pace commensurate with new funding and new initiatives, while keeping the organization lean.
Der Plan: http://dp.la/info/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/DPLA-StrategicPlan_2015-2017-v2-2.pdf
Quelle: http://dp.la/info/2015/01/07/whats-ahead-for-dpla-our-new-strategic-plan/