Digital Dark Age – Revolution Preview

Imagine a future where humans are unable to access the data, literature, art, photographs, discoveries, and vital records of previous generations. That bleak future may be on the horizon! Learn how our fragile, rapidly obsolete systems of storing data could lead to a digital dark age. This video, from the Computer History Museum’s new exhibition: „Revolution: The First 2000 Years of Computing“ explores the surprisingly fragile nature and longevity of the huge volumes of digital data we create.

„Revolution: The First 2000 Years of Computing“ is the first major museum exhibition to trace the history of computers and information technology from the abacus to the Internet. More than 1,000 artifacts from the Museum’s vast collection are featured in the exhibition including rare computers, audio and video, photographs, games and hands-on displays. See Revolution at the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley, California. Visitor information can be found at or on Facebook at and on Twitter @computerhistory

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