Aus einer Diskussion: Die Top 10 der zu beachtenden Punkte …
- Within ten years, most academic information will be available in digital format.
- The campus network is vital to your information delivery system/library. Now is the time to assure that it is robust and can remain so.
- Librarians today need to be: intellectually curious, collaborative, technologically sophisticated, good teachers, and adaptable.
- Purchasing and cataloging functions are changing rapidly and the need for traditional technical services staff is shrinking.
- Licensing, rather than purchasing, material is prevalent.
- The Open Source movement is making many learning materials and computer applications freely available. However, maintenance of the applications requires staff. It is a trade-off between purchased applications with support and open source applications that you have to support yourself.
- Digital asset management and production is becoming the name of the game.
- Helping students find and evaluate accurate information is one of the most important roles for librarians now. In order to do this well, they need to work closely with faculty.
- Libraries are becoming the group study and social centers for many campuses, as well as the place to explore new information, tools and ways of developing and sharing information. Some library areas are beginning to look like Apple Computer Stores. These are often the most heavily used areas within the library.
- To support these new learning centers well, librarians and instructional technologists, as well as faculty, must work together.